Channel: Mysteries Tech
Category: Education
Tags: city of deadintrestingmalana villagegaonmakhunik villagetop 10factsajibogaribtiltepecmysterious villagemysterious placesin the worldghost townamazing placemysteries techvillagemaakhunik villagemysterious places of indiamysterious villages in indiahaunted villageshaunted housemostmysterious places of worldamazing villagemysterymysterious village in the worldunbelievable placesghost villagereal lilliputhaunted placestop 5
Description: there are many strange and strange villages around the world. Those who are known for their special features, but have you ever heard of a village where everyone from animal to human is blind. If not, then in today's video I am going to tell you about 5 such mysterious and strange villages of the world, seeing which you will also be forced to think. Most Mysterious and Amazing villages in the world. 1. Makhunik Village 2. City of dead, Russia 3. Tiltepec Village, Mexico #mysteriousvillage #amazingvillages #mysteriestech ____________________________________ Follow Me :- Music - Martin Cowboy " by Kevin MacLeod Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0